Weekly menu and breakfast tip

First of February today and you can almost feel the spring in the air and it is so wonderful.

Are you a breakfast person or you can happily skip that meal? I love my breakfast and are always hungry when I get out of bed. The best is on the weekends when you can sit and eat it for a long time and sip several cups of strong brewed English breakfast tea and read the newspaper. My daughter that is soon 6 years starts her day of telling me that she is not hungry and does not want anything to eat. All other meals she eats happily. Being a dietitian and knowing how important breakfast is for you I struggle a bit with this. But we have found a middle way that suits both of us. I did tell you that we bought a blender over the holidays and ever since we are trying new recipes in it. In the mornings I make a smoothie for my children and my daughter happily drinks it as well. To make it a more filling I add some milk soaked oats, some chia seeds or almond flour. The morning smoothie usually contains plain yogurt, frozen or fresh berries or fruit, always banana and milk. The best thing is the kids love it, takes a few minutes to make and is a healthy start of the day for them.

Here is a link to a great page with lots of smoothie recipes.

Yesterday we went and had breakfast at Broadway diner a classic American diner. It is just a block away from our house so we could walk. The kids love to come here, of course. The menu is HUGE and I wonder how they can keep all of it in stock. The children had chocolate chip silver dollar pancakes and the grown ups had french toast. When we come here my daughter some how has no problem eating her breakfast at all. When I start my day like this I get very filled up and feel kind of full for the rest of the day but once in a while it is fun to go there.

Weekly menu

I am following some food people on facebook and they post great recipes there and when I like it I just save the link on facebook and when it´s time to make my menu I know where I have some good ones. This week there is a few of those saved ones.

 Monday General Tsao´s cauliflower with rice

Tuesday Whole wheat pasta with basil pesto (you can also add other green leaves like arugula, kale, even some steamed broccoli)

Wednesday Baked cod with sundried tomatoes, sauteed kale and spinach, potatoes

Thursday Parsnip and Canelli bean soup, (I´ll skip the crispy parsnips) bread and cold cuts

Friday Quinoa Butternut squash risotto with bacon

Saturday Dirty rice with shrimp

Sunday Sheet pan chicken dinner

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