Happy New Year and weekly menu

Hope everyone had a good start to 2016. I certainly did. Yesterday we cleaned away Christmas, as nice it is to put up all decorations in early December it is also so nice to get rid of it all after New year. Today school started so we are back into the routines again and that is kind of nice for all of us.

I got two great kitchen tools for Christmas and if you are a foodie like me that is just the kind of gifts you appreciate.


I got a MAC MTH-80 Chef´s knife with dimples. If there is one tool you need in the kitchen it is a good knife. This one has all the features I like. Sturdy and comfortable handle, a big blade, very sharp and dimples so the knife slides easily through sticky food like cheese boiled or potatoes.

My other gift was Isi silicone flex-it measuring cups. First I thought I already have too many measuring cups but then when I used these they were fantastic. No spill, easy grip, high heat resistant, stack-able and translucent for easy measuring.

Last week there was no menu. We were out of town a lot and ate left overs from the Holidays. I did make one vegetarian dish for Meatless Monday and that was these super easy carrot burgers.  Well worth a try if you want something quick and vegetarian. After eating and drinking too much for the last weeks I wanted to make a menu with a lot of vegetables in it. We do have a last Christmas thing this Sunday with the Swedish school. There we will eat another Smorgasbord but that will definitely be the last one of this season. I will bring creamed kale and mustard/dill sauce to go with the cured salmon.

Menu of this week

Monday Roasted winter vegetables with Risotto

Tuesday Poached cod with sauteed mushrooms and spinach, boiled potatoes

Wednesday Roasted broccoli, balsamic marinated beets and Aidelles chicken/apple sausage

Thursday Classic Swedish vegetable soup, bread

Friday Baked potatoes with smoked salmon or ham salads

Saturday Cashew chicken with rice, sauteed string beans

Sunday Swedish Christmas Smorgasbord (again.....)